Science, Art and Humanities
Science learning in school is set out to ensure that children have a secure knowledge and understanding of the world, and how it works. In science, children learn a range of science knowledge and skills in order to become 'procedurally fluent' in the subject - in other words, mini scientists! Children are taught to carefully observe, explain their thinking, make connections across the subject, test ideas, investigate and demonstrate results.
Science is usually taught within a wider unit of work (a So What? or Big Idea outcome) in order to give meaning and purpose to the subject, as children are shown the wide and varied real-life uses that Science can have on them and the wider world.
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)
PSHE is part of the whole school curriculum. It teaches children issues relating to health education and gives confidence to children to think of ways in which they can look after themselves and keep happy, healthy and most importantly, safe. Some of the topics covered are friendship, bullying, disability, road safety, stranger danger, keeping safe, which includes medicines and healthy living etc. The themes covered are taught at their own ability level.
Careful thought is also given to make sure that the curriculum is significant and appropriate to the children and that teachers in both Key Stages plan carefully to make sure that there is continuity and progression as children grow.
Relationship and Health Education
Our school Governors are responsible for the nurture of health and relationships education within the school. The subject of sexual development is handled sensitively and in a manner appropriate to the age and maturity of the children. It is set within the context of PSHE and emphasises the values of family life, self-respect and respect for others.
A summary of our Health and Relationships Policy is available for parents on request. This particular subject is delivered by qualified teaching staff and we also liaise with the Health Authority to support on some occasions.
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught in line with the Birmingham agreed syllabus. We aim to enable our pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of different religions, in order that they may reflect on beliefs, values and experiences, make reasoned and informed judgements and develop positive attitudes towards others.