Personal and Social Development
Featherstone’s Curriculum – Healthy Mind, Healthy Body (HMHB)
Whilst learning is happening to ensure that every child meets ARE and the children’s curriculum is enriched with experiences to deepen their world understanding, we promote healthy living through the final strand of our curriculum, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body (HMHB).
HMHB is formed from the statutory religious dispositions of the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus, a relevant, tailor-made PSHE scheme, lesson objectives/outcomes to promote equality and diversityto all of which are underpinned by our eleven Core Values. These values are the themes in Collective Worship.
HMHB may have a separate, weekly timetable slot to give mental health and wellbeing the time that it warrants, however, the philosophy of the HMHB curriculum can be seen and felt in and out of lessons across school. Our eleven values permeate into all of our interactions so that children can develop a solid more core.
The format of the delivery of the HMHB content is once again, a matter for the teachers to consider as we believe that each class’ needs will be profoundly different cohort by cohort.
Progression within HMHB Year 1
Progression within HMHB Year 2
Progression within HMHB Year 3
Progression within HMHB Year 4