Spelling and Grammar
At Featherstone Primary School, we believe that spelling and grammar play an important part in the journey to becoming a successful, confident writer. We believe in explicit spelling and grammar teaching as well as teaching children how and when to apply these techniques in context.
Key Stage one
Initially, Children in Key Stage One are taught spelling and grammar through our phonics scheme, Read Write Inc. Please see Read, Write Inc pages for more information.
Once children in Key Stage 1 have completed the Read Write Inc programmes, they will move on to daily spelling and grammar sessions. These sessions teach the spelling objectives prescribed for each year group and consolidate the good phonic knowledge taught by the Read Write Inc phonics programme.
Key Stage 2
Daily spelling and grammars session take place in Key Stage 2. These sessions teach the spelling objectives prescribed for each year group. The focus for these sessions is to review, teach, practice and apply taught spelling patterns in a fun and creative way to allow pupils to apply these in their writing.
Spellings sent home
Every Friday morning, Children in Years 1-6 take part in ‘Ice Cool Spelling’ sessions. Ice cool spelling is a successful spelling scheme that is built on repetition and challenge. The children are split into ability groups and tested weekly on a list of common words and words that are set out in the National Curriculum. A copy of their current ‘Ice Cool Spelling’ list will be sent home weekly.
All spellings must be correct in the list to move on to the next level. As children progress further into the programme, they will be expected to use the spelling words provided in grammatically correct sentences that demonstrate that the children understand the words being spelt. The aim of this is to improve vocabulary and also encourage the use of spelling words in everyday writing
Please note:
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the safety precautions in place, Ice Cool Spelling has been put on hold until it is safe to mix across Year group bubbles again.
In the meantime, Children will be sent spelling lists by their class teacher that relate to the spelling pattern, rule or Year group specific words that have been the focus in lessons that week. These will be assessed and new spelling sent home weekly.
USeful websites
Bitesize pages
BBC Bitesize is a fantastic website for all areas of the curriculum. Please find below links for spelling and grammar for all ages.
Other websites
Oxford Owl - Spelling advice for parents