- Home
- Welcome and Information
- Vision, Mission and Aims
- Virtual Tour
- Equality Statement and Objective
- Leadership and SChool Management
- Governing Board
- Policies
- Ofsted Report and Performance data
- Statutory Information and Reports
- Financial Information
- SEND Information Report
- What kind of needs are provided for?
- How are parents involved?
- How are pupils involved?
- Identifying and assess pupils with SEND?
- Monitoring SEND pupils' progress
- Extra-curricular activities for pupils with SEND
- Specialist Support for Pupils
- Staff Training
- Provision for Cognition & Learning
- Provision for Communication & Interaction
- Provision for Social, Emotional & Mental Health Difficulties
- Provision for Sensory and/or Physical Needs
- Support Services
- How does SEND funding work for mainstream SCHOOL
- Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
- Transition to Primary and Secondary School
- Information from Birmingham Local Authority’s on Local Offer on SEND
- Responsibility of the Governing Body
- Admission Arrangements for Pupils with SEN or Disabilities
- SEND Parent Newsletters
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
- Pupil Premium grant
- Catch Up Premium
- Sport premium Grant
- Updates from the Headteacher
- Newsletters
- Admissions
- Term Dates
- School Calendar
- GDPR AND Privacy Notices
- Curriculum Information
- Learning Environment
- Curriculum Overviews
- Sequence and Progression of Learning
- End of Year Curriculum Expectations
- Character Education and School Values
- Personal and Social Development
- Learning Passports - Homework
- Exemplification and Standards Material
- Early Years Foundation Stage
- Phonics - little Wandle
- English
- Mathematics
- Science, Art and Humanities
- Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural
- British Values
- Equality and Diversity Curriculum
- The Featherstone Enrichment Programme
- Intervention and Maximum Progress for All
- Leading Aspect Award & Good Practice
- Half-Term Parent Update
- Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing - Place2Be
- Parent Information and Support
- Home-School Agreement
- Safeguarding Information for Parents
- Parent Pay
- Parents Evenings Booking
- School Prospectus
- Before and Afterschool Child care Provision
- School Uniform
- Online safety Information for parents
- School Menus
- Absence Request Form
- School Times
- Family Support
- Parent View (Ofsted)
- What do parents say about Featherstone Primary
- Choosing a Secondary School.
- SATs information for Parents (Y2 and Y6)
- Virtual Tour
- Y2 to Y3 UIFSM Change
- Vacancies
- Contact Us